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How we started...

Autism Impact originated as a caregiver screening service for families with autistic children. When we say “caregiver screening” it means we help families find someone who can provide care (think babysitter, nanny or companion) for their autistic child and be a great match for their child and the family.  We wanted to provide families with a more efficient caregiver screening tool so they don’t have to hire out (yes even to us) for screening services. So, we evolved and developed this platform, care.autism-impact.

How we're growing...

Why would we create an affordable platform so parents DON’T have to utilize our screening services? The answer is simply, because we are committed to our WHY. We exist to provide your family with the opportunity to operate at its full potential. We believe additional assistance-whenever and wherever you need-can benefit all aspects of life, especially the relationship with your autistic child. Some families may have time to screen for themselves, others may have the money to hire out. Whatever your situation, we wanted to create solutions for you. We’re here to help make your life easier so you can focus on your family.